Delta Course

Not Just Another Program…

The Christian life is all about transformation, becoming more like Jesus. The eight-session Delta Course guides participants into an understanding of the transformational journey of discipleship and equips them with the wisdom and tools necessary to grow a life holistically alive in Christ. A key part of Delta is discerning and implementing a personal growth plan.

Delta is an ideal course for new believers. It prepares them to take full advantage of the more in-depth, 24-session Omega Course journey.

To explore bringing the Delta and/or Omega Courses or other Life Spring Network seminars live to your church, speaking or consulting engagements, mentoring/coaching sessions or if you have questions, please call us at (312) 783-3858.

The Life Focus Process TM

Tools for the Journey

Understanding Our Identity

Our identity in Christ gets expressed through the various roles we play in life. By defining each role (identity in Christ) in our lives, we gain a holistic perspective of our new lives in Christ.

Identity Roles: Three Categories

Over the next few sessions we will be taking an in-depth look at three categories of our identity in Christ:

  • Christ Follower - Being fully human (4 roles or aspects of our being: heart, soul, mind, strength)

  • Community Member - Our relational roles (5 roles: inner circle, relative/parent, church member, mentee/mentor, ambassador/friend)

  • Called Servant - How we are called to serve and work (5 roles: minister of compassion, empowered servant, steward of resources, calling mentee/mentor, professional roles)

Identity Roles Diagram TM

18 Foundational Truths (Natural Laws) of Life Stewardship TM

The Life Focus Process guides your journey through Delta and Omega and provides a framework for lifelong discipleship. The process will help you see a big-picture view of the life of discipleship, construct deeper relationships, identify specific growth steps, remove obstacles to growth, and construct a personalized development plan built to be revised during every season of life.

Cycle of Renewal TM

The Cycle of Renewal - Holistic Transformation

Believing in the Lord Jesus with all our Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength means that we:

  1. Embrace the revelation or feedback that God brings into our lives which convicts us of our sin and need for Him.

  2. Change incorrect or negative beliefs through holistic Repentance: agreeing with God’s will (Heart), healing of wounds (Soul), learning His truth (Mind) and calling upon His strength (Strength).

  3. Embrace God’s new correct beliefs (Desires, Feelings, Thoughts and Capabilities) for our lives by making amends or restitution to those we have wounded and engage our new training in righteousness.

Revelation-Revelation from God leads the process.

Reproof or Rebuke-Reproof challenges our status quo.

Repentance-We can either agree with God and turn (repent) or disagree and, in essence, say “No. I don’t think you know better. I think I know better.” Sometimes God sends more revelation.

Correction-This decision to change is followed by figuring out the appropriate corrections needed. The Biblical term here is actually a forensic term for resetting a bone.

Restitution-We make restitution for our sins by asking for forgiveness from those we have sinned against and behaving in accordance with the new directional correction. The process is short-circuited if you don’t submit yourself to community.

Trained in Righteousness-Healing comes as part of your being Trained in Righteousness, which is a main goal of the faith. Without training we will drift a totally different way: toward selfishness and decline. Once you get a taste of God’s training, you’ll desire it more and more.

Below you will find four key tools and frameworks we use to help people understand the journey of disciple-making.

Breakdown of the 8 Sessions

  1. Abundant Living

  2. Connecting with Christ

  3. Connecting with Community

  4. Connecting with Calling

  5. The Journey of Transformation

  6. Realizing Life’s Potential

  7. The Joy of Discipline

  8. Aligned Training

Know Thyself Retreat

We have built an optional 2 session half-day retreat called the “Know Thyself Retreat” into the Delta Course journey. These 2 additional sessions go deeper into Session 6 of the Delta Course journey looking at 24 Character Strengths and the P.U.R.P.O.S.E. paradigm in more depth. They can also be done as 2 extra weeks to create a 10 week journey.

Participant Testimonials

  • “Creating disciples is critical to the expansion of our Christian faith in our communities and around the world. Jason expertly tackles this difficult challenge by training and making disciples through his life-altering Delta course. Delta is an inspired guide for spiritual growth in Christ that elevated my faith and my self-awareness as a Christian, and placed me on the path to discipleship. The most challenging, rewarding, and beneficial aspects of Delta involved Biblically based self-assessments that identify spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical strengths and weaknesses. This honest analysis is a critical process that every Christian should pursue and is essential for growth as a disciple. Weekly lessons, masterfully led by Jason online, provided a common-sense and practical roadmap to becoming not just a disciple, but a disciple-maker. The theological expertise, motivation, and empathy demonstrated by Jason, while guiding my completion of Delta, combined to create a previously non-existent sense of purpose and direction for my faith. Thank you Jason and Life Spring Network.”


    USAF, MBA, Small Business Owner, Command Pilot, Combat Veteran, USAFA ‘90

  • “Delta is an “action” course that gets you involved and inspired to act on your faith and build upon it in a community. It teaches you how to build a clear plan to develop your faith and hold each other accountable so you can grow and live the abundant life!”


  • “The Delta Course has really laid out exactly what I need to do to live the abundant life and experience and express the love of God. It taught me how to understand that life is a journey and we need to recalibrate every single day in order to stay focused, disciplined and submitted.”


  • “I would recommend the Delta Course to every christian – it truly is a life changing transformation! It taught me that the life I had been leading was dead and now I feel like I have the tools to get me to be a true disciple. I will wake each day and submit myself to God and His plan for my life.”


  • “Delta brings clarity and christian focus to consciously living in alignment and submission to God. We need to be more intentional about how we choose to live our lives. Delta teaches you to have daily, weekly and quarterly reflection time to enable us to live out my christian life.”


  • “Delta offers both knowledge beyond the basics of Christianity and the tools needed to enable transformation to reach the abundant life. The best part of Delta is that it gives you a way to plan your growth and teaches you that with the help of God and christian mentors in your life, you can achieve your goals!”


  • “This course has taught me that I need to focus my life on God’s will in my roles. It has also given me the tools necessary to do His will. I plan to find a mentor to help keep me accountable in my new goals.”


  • “Delta provides focused sessions to understand God’s vision and to align our daily lives toward His plan. It has taught me that we all need mentors in our lives to help hold us accountable for the plans God has given us.”


  • “Delta has taught me that in this season of my life, trusting God does not have to look like one being oblivious to our troubles – we do not need to be stuck in what were our prior roles in life. We need to trust God as He sometimes changes our role in life dependent on the ‘season’ we are going through and He will always be there for us.”


  • “Delta helped me to move through the commitment of transformation, changing my attitudes and actions and allowing God to make the needed changes in my life!”


  • “I found Delta to be a very positive experience and highly motivating. It helped to keep me focused on devoting time to God and to my daily Spiritual Disciplines.”


  • “The Delta Course not only provides time to share with others, but more importantly gives the time to nurture my relationship with the Father and is rich in time to build a personal growth plan. I am excited to reacquaint myself with journaling, study of the Word and have fellowship with others.”


  • “Delta has shown me that the “goal line” keeps moving and that change happens only through God. He reveals the area of my life that needs focus and He allows change through connection with Him. I need to continue to ask for, and depend on, His power to make changes and work through building a personal growth plan every season.”


  • “Delta was very inspirational for me. It taught me to be more focused on the areas of my life that can be changed, to be aligned more with God’s purpose and how to go about making these changes through the Holy Spirit and submitting to God. I will work to find a mentor and continue to progress.”


  • “Delta really challenged me to reflect on and chart a course for my discipleship journey. Beyond that, it provides the guidance on how to stay the course. An abundant life is found by experiencing and expressing God’s love through an on-going process of having others in my life that will keep me focused to stay submitted to God. Very empowering!”


  • “As a lifelong person of a traditional based faith experience, Delta was a transformational experience. Through this course, I have learned to put God in the driver seat of my life! Submission paired with action!”


  • “Delta is an essential course that all Christians need! It showed me that discipline and mentoring is key to setting your habits and goals to serve God’s Kingdom.”


  • “How does one say “thank you” for bringing this course to our attention? In my role as leader of our Men’s Ministry, I have had a reputation of stressing not only transparency between brothers-in-Christ, but all of the instances of “one another” throughout scriptures and the actions demonstrated by them.

    This course has given me a better sense of self with the numerous introspective questions and exercises, and has helped me to identify some of my strengths and weaknesses as well.

    I can see many portions of this course that I will be referring back to in the future. I already have printed a few of the illustrations to hang on the wall in my office, and the “18 Foundational Truths” is already becoming a favorite to come back to in my daily quiet time. I also foresee many of the concepts spoken about being worked into our ministry to “God-willing” take us to the next level.

    In short (is it too late for that?), thank you for not only following your calling, inspiring, encouraging, and supporting me, but thank you for living out the “one another’s” as God calls us to do.”


  • “Thank you, Jason, for leading some of The Harbor Church leaders through the Delta Course at Life Spring Network. The information we received and the relationships we are cultivating are invaluable. In fact, we may use some of your PURPOSE materials in your course in our Foundations 300 seminars. Good stuff!”

    Pastor David Towner, The Harbor Church

  • “I have found the Delta Discipleship program to be very challenging in a good way. It has certainly pushed me to dig deeper both in my application of Biblical knowledge and learning more about myself as a person and man of God. I have been a Christian since 1992 and have been serious about my faith, Biblical knowledge, and growth both as a human and as a Christian. I have served on Christian boards, served as a church deacon and in various other leadership roles, traveled abroad on international mission trips and even studied at the seminary level. This program, and Jason's leading, have challenged me and pushed me to another level as a Christian. I would recommend this program for anyone who is serious about growing as a believer and willing to put in the work that this program requires. It is a commitment in time but well worth the effort. You will grow as a believer and the men who go through it with you will become closer and help you grow as well.”

    Randy P., Tampa, FL

  • “This is my second time taking Jason Pankau's Delta Course. The Delta Course is a Personal Growth Plan which helps you look within yourself while getting closer to God. As you progress through each section, your connection with the Lord grows, as you discover where you are connected with the Lord and his word, and areas where you need improvement. It also does a masterful job of helping you discover your purpose, God's purpose for you today, next week, next month, and next year.

    After finishing the course a second time, I was amazed to see the areas where I grew and got closer with God and my purpose, and the areas where I regressed. This course is set up perfectly, so you can do it without being part of a group. If you get the chance you must take Jason's Delta Course, I know I will again in the future.”

    Richard Sass

Delta Course

The Delta Course Workbook is a great way to follow along and take notes with each of the eight Delta Course sessions. You’ll also find all of the graphics and descriptive charts that we use in the PowerPoint presentations. Included in this workbook are discussion and reflection questions, daily devotional guides, an appendix and your Personal Growth Plan worksheets.

Video DVDs-$45
